DataMasque Portal

DataMasque Installation on Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) Managed Nodes

DataMasque supports deployment to Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) clusters, with Elastic File Service (EFS) as the persistent volume storage attached to the cluster. DataMasque images are pushed from Docker to your account's private Elastic Container Registry (ECR).

Supported Versions and Instance Types

DataMasque supports EKS version 1.25.

DataMasque supports EKS nodes of EC2 instance type c5.2xlarge or larger. The minimum number of nodes is one.

DataMasque on EKS does not support masking files in Mounted Share connections. File masking on AWS S3 or Azure Blob Storage is supported.


At a high level, the installation process is:

  • A. Create an EKS cluster (this step can be skipped to use an existing cluster).
  • B. Configure an EFS instance and access point(s).
  • C. Load DataMasque Docker images into a local Docker installation, then push them to ECR.
  • D. Generate the YAML Kubernetes manifest describing the DataMasque services.
  • E. Deploy the configuration to the EKS cluster.

Steps A and B are executed using eksctl and aws commands on the command line. Example configuration files and commands are provided in this guide.

Steps C and D use setup scripts provided inside in the DataMasque Docker package to push images and generate the Kubernetes manifest. Step E is to deploy the configuration using kubectl.


Before performing installation, the following tools must be installed on the machine where the deployment instructions are being followed:

Must be configured with authentication tokens. If authentication is saved in a specific profile, be sure to specify the --profile argument to both the aws and eksctl commands.

Use these instructions as a guide for installing Docker packages only. It is not necessary to install DataMasque into Docker.

  • jq CLI tool

Cluster Configuration

This section is to create the EKS cluster and EFS volume, as well as configure security. This section's steps correspond to steps A and B in the overview. Note that as some of these commands assign environment variables that are used in later commands, they are assumed to all be run in the same terminal session.

  1. Create an EKS cluster. Skip to Step 2 if you already have an existing EKS cluster. Use this example EKS config to create the cluster, replacing the values commented with the ones for your environment.
kind: ClusterConfig

  name: datamasque-cluster  #  replace with your desired cluster name
  region: us-east-1  # replace with your region
  version: "1.25"  # replace with 1.26 or 1.27 if necessary

  id: "vpc-00000000000000000"  # replace with VPC ID
      us-east-1a:  # replace with your region and AZ
        id: "subnet-00000000000000000"  # replace with subnet ID 1
      us-east-1b:  # replace with your region and AZ
        id: "subnet-00000000000000000"  # replace with subnet ID 2

  - name: ng-1-managed
    privateNetworking: true
    instanceType: c5.2xlarge  # specify the instance size required
      attachIDs: ["sg-00000000000000000"]  # replace with the security group ID(s) to attach to the nodes
    minSize: 1
    maxSize: 2
    desiredCapacity: 1
    volumeType: gp3
    labels: { role: stateful }
      - subnet-00000000000000000  # the subnet for the nodes

Create the cluster using eksctl:

$ eksctl create cluster --config-file=eks-config.yaml

This command may take a few minutes to complete.

  1. Set up the EFS driver role for the file system

First, retrieve your AWS account ID, and the OIDC ID of the cluster that was created.

$ export CLUSTER_NAME=datamasque-cluster  # cluster name from step 1
$ AWS_REGION_ID=us-east-1  # replace with your AWS region
$ AWS_ACCOUNT_ID=$(aws sts get-caller-identity | jq -r '.Account')
$ OIDC_ID=$(aws eks describe-cluster --name $CLUSTER_NAME --query "cluster.identity.oidc.issuer" --output text | cut -d '/' -f 5)

Next, create a trust JSON file granting access to the cluster based on its OIDC ID. This uses the AWS_ACCOUNT_ID and OIDC_ID variables created in the previous step.

$ cat << EOF > efs_trust.json
  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Principal": {
        "Federated": "arn:aws:iam::$AWS_ACCOUNT_ID:oidc-provider/oidc.eks.$$OIDC_ID"
      "Action": "sts:AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity",
      "Condition": {
        "StringLike": {
          "oidc.eks.$$OIDC_ID:sub": "system:serviceaccount:kube-system:efs-csi-*",
          "oidc.eks.$$OIDC_ID:aud": ""

Then, create an IAM role for EFS, using the permissions defined in efs_trust.json

$ aws iam create-role \
  --role-name EKS_EFS_CSI_DriverRole \
  --assume-role-policy-document file://"efs_trust.json"

Note that you may specify a different role name, provided you use the same one throughout this guide.

Finally, attach the AmazonEFSCSIDriverPolicy to the role just created.

$ aws iam attach-role-policy \
  --policy-arn arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/service-role/AmazonEFSCSIDriverPolicy \
  --role-name EKS_EFS_CSI_DriverRole

Be sure the --role-name option matches that just created in the previous step.

More information about the EFS driver role can be found at the Amazon EFS CSI driver guide.

  1. Set up the EBS driver role for the underlying EBS. Note that the configuration and steps look similar to EFS but are different.

Start by creating the ebs_trust.json file. This assumes that the AWS_ACCOUNT_ID and OIDC_ID variables are still set.

$ cat << EOF > ebs_trust.json
  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Principal": {
        "Federated": "arn:aws:iam::$AWS_ACCOUNT_ID:oidc-provider/oidc.eks.$$OIDC_ID"
      "Action": "sts:AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity",
      "Condition": {
        "StringEquals": {
          "oidc.eks.$$OIDC_ID:aud": "",
          "oidc.eks.$$OIDC_ID:sub": "system:serviceaccount:kube-system:ebs-csi-controller-sa"

Then, create an IAM role for EBS, using the permissions defined in ebs_trust.json.

$ aws iam create-role \
  --role-name EKS_EBS_CSI_DriverRole \
  --assume-role-policy-document file://"ebs_trust.json"

As with the EFS Driver Role, you may specify a different role name provided you use it throughout this guide.

Finally, attach the AmazonEBSCSIDriverPolicy to the role just created.

$ aws iam attach-role-policy \
  --policy-arn arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/service-role/AmazonEBSCSIDriverPolicy \
  --role-name EKS_EBS_CSI_DriverRole

Again, if you have specified a different role name in the previous step, be sure to specify that in the --role-name argument.

More information about the EBS drive role can be found at the Amazon EBS CSI driver IAM role guide.

  1. Verify the IAM OIDC provider exists for the cluster, and create one if it does not. First, check if the IAM OIDC provider with the cluster's ID is already in the account. This command assumes the OIDC_ID variable is still set.
$ aws iam list-open-id-connect-providers | grep $OIDC_ID | cut -d "/" -f4

If the OIDC ID is output then it exists in the account and this next command can be skipped.

Otherwise, to create the IAM OIDC, use this command (which assumes the CLUSTER_NAME variable is still set):

$ eksctl utils associate-iam-oidc-provider --cluster $CLUSTER_NAME --approve
  1. The Amazon EFS CSI must be deployed to the cluster. First determine the version of the EFS driver to use. This command will list all available versions of EFS available for a specific Kubernetes version. Replace 1.25 with the version of Kubernetes as specified in the cluster definition in Step 1 (1.25, 1.26 or 1.27).
$ eksctl utils describe-addon-versions --kubernetes-version 1.25 --name aws-efs-csi-driver | grep \"AddonVersion\"

This will produce output containing the available EFS CSI versions, like this:

                    "AddonVersion": "v1.6.0-eksbuild.1",
                    "AddonVersion": "v1.5.9-eksbuild.1",
                    "AddonVersion": "v1.5.8-eksbuild.1",

After choosing a version, (usually the newest one is preferable) use it in the create addon command. In this case, version v1.6.0-eksbuild.1.

$ eksctl create addon --cluster $CLUSTER_NAME --name aws-efs-csi-driver --version v1.6.0-eksbuild.1 \
    --service-account-role-arn arn:aws:iam::$AWS_ACCOUNT_ID:role/EKS_EFS_CSI_DriverRole --force

Note the use of the EKS_EFS_CSI_DriverRole which should match the name of the role created in Step 2.

This command can be used to check that the EFS driver was installed successfully:

$ eksctl get addon --cluster $CLUSTER_NAME  | grep efs

The output should contain the role ARN and the version that was installed, for example:

aws-efs-csi-driver      v1.6.0-eksbuild.1       ACTIVE          0       arn:aws:iam::<account_id>:role/EKS_EFS_CSI_DriverRole
  1. Deploy the Amazon EBS CSI addon to the cluster. Use the name of the EKS_EBS_CSI_DriverRole that was created in Step 3.
$ aws eks create-addon --cluster-name $CLUSTER_NAME --addon-name aws-ebs-csi-driver \
  --service-account-role-arn arn:aws:iam::$AWS_ACCOUNT_ID:role/EKS_EBS_CSI_DriverRole

This command can be used to check that the driver EBS was installed successfully:

$ eksctl get addon --cluster $CLUSTER_NAME  | grep ebs

The output should contain the role ARN and the version that was installed, for example:

aws-ebs-csi-driver    v1.22.0-eksbuild.1  ACTIVE  0   arn:aws:iam::<account_id>:role/EKS_EBS_CSI_DriverRole
  1. Now that the roles and EKS addons are installed, the EFS can be created. The EFS is used to persist data across pod restarts as well as share data between pods.

First, retrieve the ID of VPC in which the EKS cluster was created, so that the EFS can be created in the same VPC.

$ VPC_ID=$(aws eks describe-cluster \
    --name $CLUSTER_NAME \
    --query "cluster.resourcesVpcConfig.vpcId" \
    --output text)

The VPC ID is now in the VPC_ID variable and can be used in subsequent commands.

Next, the CIDR range of the VPC is required, which is fetched with this command and stored in the CIDR_RANGE variable:

$ CIDR_RANGE=$(aws ec2 describe-vpcs \
    --vpc-ids $VPC_ID \
    --query "Vpcs[].CidrBlock" \
    --output text \
    --region $AWS_REGION_ID)

New Security Groups are created that allow NFS ingress to the EFS (port 2049). First, create the security group saving its ID into the SECURITY_GROUP_ID variable:

$ SECURITY_GROUP_ID=$(aws ec2 create-security-group \
    --group-name DmEfsSecurityGroup \
    --description "EFS security group for DataMasque" \
    --vpc-id $vpc_id \
    --output text)

Then ingress on port 2049 is granted to the CIDR range.

$ aws ec2 authorize-security-group-ingress \
    --group-id $SECURITY_GROUP_ID \
    --protocol tcp \
    --port 2049 \
    --cidr $CIDR_RANGE

Next the file system can be created. The file system ID is stored in the FILE_SYSTEM_ID variable and is required later when configuring the deployment manifest.

$ FILE_SYSTEM_ID=$(aws efs create-file-system \
    --region $AWS_REGION_ID --encrypted \
    --performance-mode generalPurpose \
    --tags Key=Name,Value=datamasque-eks-efs-file-system \
    --query 'FileSystemId' \
    --output text)

Display the file system ID using echo:


Retain this value for later.

  1. Mount targets for the EFS need to be created. These are IP addresses assigned to the EFS instance in the specified subnets it should be made available.

To get a list of available subnets, use the describe-subnets command (this is not necessary if you already know the subnets you want to add the EFS to).

$ aws ec2 describe-subnets \
    --filters "Name=vpc-id,Values=$VPC_ID" \
    --query 'Subnets[*].{SubnetId: SubnetId,AvailabilityZone: AvailabilityZone,CidrBlock: CidrBlock}' \
    --output table

This command assumes that the VPC_ID variable from Step 7 is still in scope.

After you know the IDs of the subnets in which the EFS should be available, execute create-mount-target for each subnet.

$ aws efs create-mount-target \
    --file-system-id $FILE_SYSTEM_ID  \
    --subnet-id <subnet_id> \
    --security-groups $SECURITY_GROUP_ID

The variables FILE_SYSTEM_ID and SECURITY_GROUP_ID are expected to still be in scope from Step 7. This command must be run once for each subnet (which may not be all subnets listed in the previous command, however, just the ones to add the EFS to).

For example, for subnets subnet-11111111111111111 and subnet-22222222222222222, execute:

$ aws efs create-mount-target \
    --file-system-id $FILE_SYSTEM_ID  \
    --subnet-id subnet-11111111111111111 \
    --security-groups $SECURITY_GROUP_ID

$ aws efs create-mount-target \
    --file-system-id $FILE_SYSTEM_ID  \
    --subnet-id subnet-22222222222222222 \
    --security-groups $SECURITY_GROUP_ID
  1. Create an access point for the EFS. The user ID and group ID are both set to 1000 to match the user inside the DataMasque containers.
$ FILE_SYSTEM_AP_ID=$(aws efs create-access-point \
    --file-system-id $FILE_SYSTEM_ID \
    --posix-user Uid=1000,Gid=1000 \
    --root-directory Path='/datamasque,CreationInfo={OwnerUid=1000,OwnerGid=1000,Permissions=777}' \
    --output text \
    --query 'AccessPointId')

Display the file system access point ID using echo:


Retain this value for use when executing the script (later in the deployment configuration).

The EKS and EFS configuration is now complete, and DataMasque can be deployed to the cluster.

DataMasque Deployment

In this section, DataMasque images are uploaded to ECR, then the DataMasque manifests are generated and deployed to EKS. This corresponds to steps C to E in the high level overview.

Ensure Docker is installed on the machine executing these instructions.

You must have your AWS account's ECR host name, which is normally in the format <AWS account id>.dkr.ecr.<AWS region>, for example:

You will also need:

  • The ARN of the IAM role for EFS (created in Step 2 above).
  • The EFS file system ID (from Step 7 above). It begins with fs-.
  • The EFS access point ID (from Step 9 above). It begins with fsap-.
  1. Extract the DataMasque Docker package and cd into the installation directory.
$ tar -xvzf datamasque-docker-v<version>.pkg
$ cd datamasque/<version>/
  1. Before pushing to ECR, docker must be authenticated to your account's ECR host name. The AWS private registry authentication guide has instructions for setting up authentication. In general the command is in this format:
$ docker login -u AWS -p $(aws ecr get-login-password) <ecr_host>

For example:

$ docker login -u AWS -p $(aws ecr get-login-password)

Note that if you normally require sudo to execute docker, then prepend it to the above command, e.g:

$ sudo docker login -u AWS -p $(aws ecr get-login-password) <ecr_host>

After authenticating, the images can be loaded and pushed to ECR.

  1. DataMasque must be loaded into Docker on the local machine before they can be pushed to ECR. The command performs both of these steps. It must be called with your ECR host as the first and only argument. For example:
$ ./

This script will load the images into the local Docker and then push them to the specified ECR, tagged with the current DataMasque version and build number. It may take a few minutes depending on the internet connection speed.

  1. DataMasque will generate the Kubernetes manifest with the parameters used when setting up EKS and EFS. The parameters required are:
  • The ECR host (the same as in Step 3).
  • The ARN of the role for the aws-efs-csi-driver storage controller (usually this is the role created in Step 2 of Cluster Configuration).
  • The ARN of the role for the aws-efs-csi-driver account (usually this is the role created in Step 2 of Cluster Configuration). Both ARNs supplied may be the same.
  • The volume handle ID, which is made up of the file system ID and the access point ID, joined by two colons. For example fs-11223344556677889::fsap-00112233445566778.

These are passed in as positional arguments to the script

$ ./ -i \
    arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/EKS_EFS_CSI_DriverRole \
    arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/EKS_EFS_CSI_DriverRole \

If you are in the same shell as you used to create the cluster, and the variables are still in scope, you can use them in the command instead of the literal values:

$ ./ -i \
    arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/EKS_EFS_CSI_DriverRole \
    arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/EKS_EFS_CSI_DriverRole \

Executing this script will also generate a random password to be used for DataMasque's internal database. This should be retained as it is required when updating to a newer version of DataMasque on EKS.

After this script executes, the Kubernetes manifest files agent-queue-manifest.yaml, datamasque-manifest.yaml and storage-settings.yaml will be generated into the eks-manifest directory.

If there were any mistakes made during the generation process, the script can be re-run with correct arguments provided. The script only generates the manifest files – it does not apply them.

  1. The generated manifests can now be deployed.

Note: It may take up to five minutes before the DNS entries for a new EFS access point are available. Please wait five minutes between running the aws efs create-mount-target command(s) (step 8 in the previous section) and the kubectl apply command (below).

Use kubectl to deploy the generated manifests:

$ kubectl apply -f eks-manifest

After deployment, check if the pods are ready:

$ kubectl get pods --all-namespaces

If the pods take more than five minutes to enter Running status, these commands can help to troubleshoot.

  • To find more information about why a pod is stuck in Pending status, use the describe pod command. For example, to see information about the pod admin-db-0:
$ kubectl describe pod admin-db-0
  • To see EKS events, use kubectl get events. Use grep to filter for events for a particular pod. For example, to see events just for admin-db-0:
$ kubectl get events | grep admin-db-0
  • If any pods are unable to find persistent volume claims (PVCs) then you will see errors regarding PVCs when describing the pod or in the event list. Use the get pvc command to check if all PVCs have been bound.
$ kubectl get pvc --all-namespaces

This should show the EBS and EFS volumes created during cluster setup (and may also contain any other volumes already attached to the EKS cluster).

For example:

NAMESPACE   NAME        STATUS   VOLUME                                     CAPACITY   ACCESS MODES   STORAGECLASS   AGE
default     ebs-claim   Bound    pvc-00000000-1111-2222-3333-444444444444   20Gi       RWO            ebs-sc         11s
default     efs-claim   Bound    efs-pv                                     40Gi       RWX            efs-sc         11s

The ebs-claim ID will differ.

Both volumes should have the status Bound. If they do not, check the IAM roles and permissions assigned to the addons in steps 5 and 6 of the cluster setup instructions. Also check that the correct IAM roles were used when generating the manifests.

  • For more information about why a PVC is not Bound, use the describe pvc command. For example, to describe the ebs-claim PVC:
$ kubectl describe pvc ebs-claim

This will give more detailed information about any errors with the PVC.

Once all DataMasque pods are available, you can continue with installation.

  1. The IP address of the cluster can be found by checking the IP address(es) of the EC2 node instance for the EKS cluster. Visit this IP address in a browser (e.g. https://<Node IP>) to finish DataMasque initial setup.

Increasing the number of masque-agent pods

DataMasque can perform masking runs faster by executing tasks using multiple workers, or by running multiple tasks in parallel (see the performance optimisation documentation). When using EKS, worker tasks can be balanced across multiple nodes by starting multiple agent pods.

By default, the generated manifest eks-manifest/datamasque-manifest.yaml only runs one masque-agent instance. If your EKS cluster has enough resources, the number of replicas can be increased. Each additional masque-agent pod requires 1200m of CPU and 5Gi of memory.

To increase the number of replicas, locate the section in the eks-manifest/datamasque-manifest.yaml generated manifest file that specifies the replicas for masque-agent; it looks like this and has a comment to guide you:

    1  # Increase the number of replicas to be able to run more workers or parallel tasks at once

Increase the number of replicas, for example, to 2:

    2  # Increase the number of replicas to be able to run more workers or parallel tasks at once

Then re-apply the manifests:

$ kubectl apply -f eks-manifest

This will add more masque-agent workers without affecting the other pods. You can also change the number of replicas back to 1 to scale down the pods; however you should not change the number of replicas while a masking run is in progress.

Upgrading DataMasque on EKS

To upgrade to a newer version of DataMasque, a new EKS cluster does not need to be created. The upgrade is performed by pushing new versions of the images to ECR, generating a new manifest YAML (containing the new DataMasque version tags), and then using kubectl apply to deploy. Provided the same EFS volume is used, all data will be retained on upgrade.

  1. Extract the new DataMasque package version.
$ tar -xvzf datamasque-docker-v<version>.pkg
$ cd datamasque/<version>/
  1. Push the new DataMasque images to ECR, using the script. Provide your ECR address as the argument.
$ ./

Be sure that Docker has been authenticated to push to ECR before running this command.

  1. Generate the updated manifest files using the script. The -u flag must be specified to indicate that this will be an upgrade, which will prompt for the internal admin database password (rather than generating a new one).

For example:

$ ./ -u \
    arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/EKS_EFS_CSI_DriverRole \
    arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/EKS_EFS_CSI_DriverRole \

You will be prompted to enter the current internal admin database password for the cluster. This password must match the password generated during the initial installation. The password can not be validated until the configuration is applied, so be sure it is correctly entered to avoid downtime during deployment.

If you enter an incorrect password, other incorrect parameters, or forget the -u flag, it is safe to re-execute The script only generates configuration – it does not apply it.

  1. Deploy the updated manifest files with kubectl:
$ kubectl apply -f eks-manifest

Wait for the pods to be ready:

$ kubectl get pods --all-namespaces

After the pods are ready, connect to DataMasque with the same IP address or hostname as used previously.