DataMasque Portal

Conditional Masking

You may wish to only apply masks to rows or values that meet some conditions. DataMasque has three different methods for conditionally applying masks to meet different use cases:

Use case Mechanism
I want to restrict which rows are fetched for masking from the database table. Where
I want to apply certain masking rules to only a subset of rows or values. If
I want to skip applying masks to certain column values. Skip

Warning: Use of the conditional masking features where, skip, or if/else, may mean your masking rules are not applied to some database rows or values. It is recommended to verify the resulting output satisfies your masking requirements.

Where - restricting database fetches

To restrict which rows are fetched for masking from a database table, you can specify a where clause for a masked_table:

version: "1.0"
  - type: mask_table
    table: users
    key: id
    where: >-
      "users"."role" <> 'administrator'

The where clause can refer to any columns in the masked table or joined tables. All columns must be referenced using their table-qualified name (e.g. Users.FirstName). Ensure to use appropriate quoting as required. For example, if the identifier uses a reserved word, starts with an illegal character, or is a case-sensitive identifier.


  • Any rows excluded by the where clause will not be masked.
  • The SQL you provide for the where clause will not be validated before execution, please take care when constructing your SQL.
  • The SQL you provide for the where clause should not end in a semicolon, as this will cause a masking error.
  • Any string in the where clause variables must be quoted in single quotation marks.
  • Joined tables cannot be referenced in the where clause currently.

Note for Amazon Redshift:

  • Use of where clause for Amazon Redshift is not yet supported in DataMasque. This is in our roadmap and will be included in future releases.

If - conditional rules

You can choose to apply certain masking rules to only a subset of rows within a table, while still allowing other masks to be applied to those rows. This can be achieved through the use of if-conditions in rules lists.

Amazon DynamoDB note: Masking Amazon DynamoDB uses a mask_table task, so standard mask_table condition parameters apply.


In the following example, the last_name of all users will be replaced with 'Smith', but the user's gender will determine the mask applied to their first_name:

version: "1.0"
  - type: mask_table
    table: users
    key: id
      - column: last_name
        - type: from_fixed
          value: 'Smith'
      - if:
          - column: gender
            equals: 'female'
          - column: first_name
            - type: from_fixed
              value: 'Alice'
          - if:
              - column: gender
                equals: 'male'
              - column: first_name
                  - type: from_fixed
                    value: 'Bob'
              - column: first_name
                  - type: from_fixed
                    value: 'Chris'

This example applies the same conditions in a mask_tabular_file task.

version: "1.0"
name: basic_file_mask
  - type: mask_tabular_file
      - glob: "*.csv"
      - if:
        - column: gender
          equals: 'female'
          - column: first_name
            - type: from_fixed
              value: 'Alice'
          - if:
              - column: gender
                equals: 'male'
              - column: first_name
                  - type: from_fixed
                    value: 'Bob'
              - column: first_name
                  - type: from_fixed
                    value: 'Chris'
Condition Parameters
  • if (required): A list of conditions (see below) that must all evaluate as true for the nested list of rules to be applied to a row.
  • rules (required): A nested list of masking rules/nested-if-conditions (or dictionary mapping labels to rules) that will only be applied to rows that meet the conditions defined under if.
  • else_rules (optional): A nested list of masking rules/nested-if-conditions (or dictionary mapping labels to rules) that will only be applied to rows that do NOT meet the conditions defined under if.

A condition under if can contain the following attributes.

There are 3 different parameters that can be used to select which data values the condition is applied to:

  • column (required): The database column to check this condition against. The column name can be prefixed with a table name to reference a column in another table, and that table name can be prefixed with a schema name to reference a table in another schema.
  • json_path (required within mask_file tasks): For JSON records, a json_path must be provided to extract the value to which the condition will be applied. Or
  • xpath (required within mask_file tasks): For XML records, an xpath must be provided to extract the value to which the condition will be applied. The following conditions can be applied to the selected data values:
  • equals (optional): If specified, the condition will only evaluate as true if the value exactly equals the specified value. Data types are also checked (i.e. 100 is not equal to "100"). Data extracted from XML is treated as strings and the comparison value in the ruleset must be quoted.
  • matches (optional): If specified, the condition will only evaluate as true if the string of the value matches the specified regular expression. For more details on how to use regular expressions, see Common regular expression patterns.
  • less_than (optional): If specified, the condition will only evaluate as true if the value is a number or date/datetime and is less than the given value. If the specified value is numeric, the value from the data will be treated as a number.
  • less_than_or_equal (optional): If specified, the condition will only evaluate as true if the value is a number or date/datetime and is less than or equal to the given value. If the specified value is numeric, the value from the data will be treated as a number.
  • greater_than (optional): If specified, the condition will only evaluate as true if the value is a number or date/datetime and is greater than the given value. If the specified value is numeric, the value from the data will be treated as a number.
  • greater_than_or_equal (optional): If specified, the condition will only evaluate as true if the value is a number or date/datetime and is greater than or equal to the given value. If the specified value is numeric, the value from the data will be treated as a number.
  • age_greater_than (optional): If specified, the condition will only evaluate as true if the value is a date/datetime and the difference in years is greater than this value. If the value is not a date/datetime use date_format to try to parse it as a date/datetime. If date_format is not provided the date format %Y-%m-%d will be used as a fallback. Can be combined with age_less_than to enforce an age within a range.
  • age_less_than (optional): If specified, the condition will only evaluate as true if the value is a date/datetime and the difference in years is less than this value. If the value is not a date/datetime use date_format to try to parse it as a date/datetime. If date_format is not provided the date format %Y-%m-%d will be used as a fallback. Can be combined with age_greater_than to enforce an age within a range.
  • disable_auto_date_parsing (optional): By default, strings in rulesets that appear to be dates are attempted to be parsed into dates/datetimes. This can cause comparisons to unexpectedly fail due to type mismatches. Set disable_auto_date_parsing to true to disable this automatic parsing. This setting is overridden when specifying the date_format argument.

When performing conditions on values containing dates/datetimes the following parameter can be specified:

  • date_format (optional): The format of the date/datetime stored. If specified, the condition will attempt to load the column value or the value at the json_path/xpath as a datetime with the specified format. If the value cannot be parsed with the date_format an error will be raised. See Date Parsing in DataMasque for more information.


  • If the comparison is any of less_than,less_than_or_equal,greater_than, or greater_than_or_equal:
    • now or current_date_time can be specified as the value to use the current datetime at the time of masking.
    • Use a similar format to the date/datetime stored e.g. if the datetime contains hours:mins:seconds+time_zone, specify those in the value to compare against ("2012-12-12 10:30:00+00:00").
  • If the date/datetime contains timezone information it will be compared to the specified date with UTC timezone. This also applies when using now or current_date_time.

An additional option can be specified for conditions within mask_file tasks:

  • on_missing (optional): Determines how to handle records where no value exists at a condition's json_path or xpath, or where the record is not valid JSON/XML and a condition specifies a json_path/xpath:
    • error (default): Raise an error in the run log.
    • skip: Skip this rule for the current record/file.
    • apply_if_rules: Apply the rules defined in rules that are normally applied when the condition is True.
    • apply_else_rules: Apply the rules defined in else_rules that are normally applied when the condition is False. Only permitted when else_rules are provided.


  • When comparing values in an XML document, equals conditions comparing to non-string values will always be false since they are stored as a string in the XML document. Please make sure equals conditions match exactly to what is contained in the document.
  • When a database column specified in an if does not exist, the masking run will always raise an error. on_missing behaviour only applies when a no values exists at a specified json_path or xpath or where the column/record contains invalid JSON/XML when a json_path/xpath is specified.

Conditions can also be grouped with the logical operators or, not, and and:

version: "1.0"
  - type: mask_table
    table: users
    key: user_id
    - if:
      - and:
        - not:
          - column: username
            matches: 'customer_\w+'
        - or:
          - column: admin
            equals: true
          - column: role
            equals: "admin"
        - column: username
          - type: from_fixed
            value: "Bob"

Note: When using an if conditional in rulesets, final row counts will reflect the number of rows processed rather than the number of rows masked. This is due to the rows being filtered on the application side and so all rows fetched will be processed and added to the row count. Alternatively where conditionals can be used in the ruleset which will provide an accurate row count of masked rows.

Skip - not masking specific values

A common use-case is to not apply masks to certain values, e.g. to leave NULL values or empty strings unchanged. You can choose to not mask certain values in a column by specifying a number of values to skip:

version: "1.0"
  - type: mask_table
    table: users
    key: user_id
      - column: username
         - null
         - ""
         - matches: 'admin_\w+'
          - type: from_fixed
            value: "Bob"

Any column values that are exactly equal to any of the string/numeric/null values in the skip list will not be masked (data types are also checked, i.e. 100 is not equal to "100"). Additionally, string column values matching a regular expression can be skipped by specifying the skip value as matches: "my_regex". For more details on how to use regular expressions, see Common regular expression patterns.

Conditional masking for files

Conditional masking for object files (as part of a mask_table) differs to database masking. For databases, conditions are evaluated per row, and affect the values (columns) in only that row.

For object files, the condition is applied per file and affects values for that file.

Multi-record object files (NDJSON or Avro) are more like databases in that the conditions are applied per record in the file and affect values for that record.

Masking tabular files (with mask_tabular_file) applies rules per row in the file, again, similar to masking a database table.

For the full list of parameters please refer to Condition Parameters

Notes: where is not supported for conditional masking for files as where is used to restrict what is returned in database queries, and therefore it does not apply to files.

The implementation of skip for files is different from databases. It is used in conjunction with include to choose which files to mask or not. Please refer to mask_file tasks and mask_tabular_file tasks.

For tabular file masking, refer to the general If section.

Here are the use cases for each type of condition:

Use case Mechanism
I want to apply certain masking rules to the values contained in the files. If
I want to skip certain files based on the file name. Please refer to the skip option for mask_file tasks

Below are some example rulesets for conditional file masking.

If - conditional rules (files)

In the following example, the last_name of all users will be replaced with 'Smith', but the user's gender will determine the mask applied to their first_name:

version: "1.0"
name: json_with_conditional
  - type: mask_file
      - masks:
        - type: json
            - path: ["last_name"]
              on_missing: error
                - type: from_fixed
                  value: "Stevens"
      - if:
        - json_path: ["gender"]
          equals: "female"
        on_missing: apply_if_rules
          - masks:
            - type: json
                - path: ["first_name"]
                  on_missing: error
                    - type: from_fixed
                      value: "Alice"
          - if:
            - json_path: ["gender"]
              equals: "male"
            on_missing: skip
              - masks:
                - type: json
                    - path: ["first_name"]
                      on_missing: error
                        - type: from_fixed
                          value: "Bob"
              - masks:
                - type: json
                    - path: ["first_name"]
                      on_missing: error
                        - type: from_fixed
                          value: "Jamie"

Similarly, with XML files

version: "1.0"
name: xml_with_conditional
  - type: mask_file
      - masks:
        - type: xml
            - path: "//Root/Employee/LastName"
              on_missing: error
                - type: text
                    - type: from_fixed
                      value: Stevens
      - if:
        - xpath: "//Root/Employee/Gender/text()"
          equals: "female"
        on_missing: apply_if_rules
          - masks:
            - type: xml
                - path: "//Root/Employee/FirstName"
                  on_missing: error
                    - type: text
                        - type: from_fixed
                          value: Alice
          - if:
            - xpath: "//Root/Employee/Gender/text()"
              equals: "male"
            on_missing: skip
              - masks:
                - type: xml
                    - path: "//Root/Employee/FirstName"
                      on_missing: error
                        - type: text
                            - type: from_fixed
                              value: Bob
              - masks:
                - type: xml
                    - path: "//Root/Employee/FirstName"
                      on_missing: error
                        - type: text
                            - type: from_fixed
                              value: Jamie

An example for tabular files can be found in the If section.