DataMasque Portal

API Reference


The DataMasque API uses token authentication. You can get your token from the 'My Account' screen:

To use the token, include it in the Authorization header within each request, with Token prepended to the token value. For example:

GET /runs/123/
Authorization: Token <your-api-token>
Accept: application/json

POST /auth/token/login/

Login with a username and password to obtain a user_token.

POST /auth/token/login/ Parameters

Field Type Description
username string The username of the user you are logging in as.
password string The password for the user.

POST /auth/token/login/ Sample Request

POST /auth/token/login/


POST /auth/token/login/ Responses

Code: 200


A JSON serialised user object, including a short-lived API key.

User Object

User objects have the following fields:

Field Type Description
id integer The id of the User.
username string The username for the User. Used when logging in.
email string The email of the User.
date_joined date The date the User was created.
api_token string The API token for the User.
has_temporary_password boolean Whether user has a temporary password or not. If true, the user has not finalised their account creation.
is_active boolean Whether or not the user account is active. If false, the account is disabled.
is_staff boolean Whether or not the user is a staff account.
is_superuser boolean Whether or not the account is a superuser and has admin privileges.
is_sso_user boolean Whether or not the account is an SSO enabled account.
is_subscribed_to_sdd_updates boolean Whether or not the user has subscribed to sensitive data discovery updates.

GET /users/

Returns a list of user accounts.

GET /users/ Parameters


GET /users/ Sample Request

GET /api/users/
Authorization: Token <your-api-token>
Content-Type: application/json

GET /users/ Responses

Code: 200


Returns a JSON serialised list of User objects.

GET /users/ Parameters


GET /users/me/

Returns the details of the currently logged-in user.

GET /users/me Sample Request

GET /api/users/me/
Authorization: Token <your-api-token>
Content-Type: application/json

GET /users/me Responses

Code: 200


Returns a JSON serialised User object for the user that is currently logged in.

Run Object

Run objects have the following fields:

Field Type Description
id integer The id of the Run. Use this in API URLs that need a run id.
name string The name of the Run.
status string The status of the Run. The potential values are: queued, running, finished, failed, cancelling, and cancelled. A status of finished indicates a run completed successfully; failed indicates an error.
mask_type string The masking type of the Run, valid options are "database" or "file".
connection string Deprecated, replaced by source_connection.
connection_name string Deprecated, replaced by source_connection_name.
source_connection string A UUID identifying the source connection used for this Run. For database connections, the source_connection also acts as the destination.
source_connection_name string The name of the source connection of the Run. For database connections, the source_connection also acts as the destination.
destination_connection Optional[string] A UUID identifying the destination connection used for this Run. Only present for file connections, as the source_connection also acts as the destination for database connections.
destination_connection_name Optional[string] The name of the destination connection of the Run. Only present for file connections, as the source_connection also acts as the destination for database connections.
ruleset string A UUID identifying the ruleset used for this Run.
ruleset_name string Ruleset name of the Run.
start_time string Start time of the Run, in iso format.
end_time string End time of the Run, in iso format.
options object An Option object of configuration for the Run.

GET /runs/

Get a list DataMasque Runs.

GET /runs/ Parameters


GET /runs/ Sample Request

GET /runs/
Authorization: Token <your-api-token>
Accept: application/json

GET /runs/ Responses

Code: 200


A JSON serialised list of Run objects.

POST /runs/

Start a new masking run.

POST /runs/ Parameters

Field Type Description
name string The name of the Run.
connection string Deprecated, replaced by source_connection.
source_connection string A UUID identifying the source connection to be used for this Run. For database connections, the source_connection also acts as the destination.
destination_connection Optional[string] A UUID identifying the connection to be used for this Run. Only required for runs on file connections.
ruleset string A UUID identifying the ruleset to be used for this Run.
options object An Option object of configuration for this Run.

POST /runs/ Sample Request

POST /api/runs/
Authorization: Token <your-api-token>
Content-Type: application/json

    "name": "test_20200430",
    "connection": "9a325a79-af24-4c84-97fe-63246cb0c052",
    "ruleset": "1317030f-f584-49bd-bdb1-a334ae988aba",
    "options": {
        "dry_run": false,
        "max_rows": "1000000",
        "batch_size": "10000"

POST /runs/ Responses

Code: 201


A JSON serialised Run Object.

GET /runs/{id}/

Retrieve information about a masking run.

GET /runs/{id}/ Parameters

Field Type Description
id integer The id of the Run.

GET /runs/{id}/ Sample Request

GET /api/runs/123/
Authorization: Token <your-api-token>
Content-Type: application/json

GET /runs/{id}/ Responses

Code: 200


A JSON serialised Run object.

POST /runs/{id}/cancel/

Cancel a masking run.

POST /runs/{id}/cancel/ Parameters

Field Type Description
id integer The id of the Run.

POST /runs/{id}/cancel/ Sample Request

POST /api/runs/123/cancel/
Authorization: Token <your-api-token>
Content-Type: application/json

POST /runs/{id}/cancel/ Responses

Code: 201

GET /runs/{id}/sdd-report/

A binary serialised sdd-report object.

GET /runs/{id}/sdd-report/ Parameters


GET /runs/{id}/sdd-report/ Sample Request

GET /api/runs/123/sdd-report/
Authorization: Token <your-api-token>
Content-Type: application/json

GET /runs/{id}/sdd-report/ Responses

Code: 200


The server will return the sdd-report in the response.content which can be then downloaded as a CSV file.

Code: 404


If there is no sdd-report for a run, the server will return 404 status code.

Option Object

Option objects have the following fields:

Field Type Description
batch_size integer Optional argument to specify the number of rows to fetch in each batch retrieved from the database for masking. This is ignored for file masking.
dry_run boolean Indicates a dry run where no data in the database is actually changed. Values should either be true to indicate a dry run, or false to run normally. Default value is false. More information on dry runs is available in the Masking runs documentation.
max_rows integer Optional parameter to specify the maximum number of rows that will be masked by each mask_table task1. Defaults to no limit. This is ignored for file masking.
continue_on_failure boolean If there is a task failure, and this option is false, DataMasque will skip all remaining unstarted tasks. If this option is true, DataMasque will continue performing other tasks even if there is a task failure. Default value is false.
run_secret string The run secret is used in the random generation of masked values. If left unspecified, a random secret will be automatically generated and returned in the API response 2. Masking runs performed on the same DataMasque instance with the same run secret will produce the same masked values for identical unmasked database inputs. You should only specify a run secret if you require consistent masking across runs, otherwise it is more secure to allow a new run secret to be automatically generated for each run. Run secrets must be at least 20 characters long.
disable_instance_secret boolean If this option is set to true, DataMasque will exclude its instance-specific secret and generate masked values based solely on the run secret. You may wish to disable the instance in order to achieve consistent masking across DataMasque instances. However, by disabling the instance secret, any DataMasque instance using the same run_secret could replicate your data masking.
buffer_size (deprecated; will be removed in release 3.0.0) integer Replaced by batch_size.

1max_rows does not apply to mask_unique_key tasks.

2The run_secret contained in the API response can be provided in subsequent API calls to start runs, facilitating consistent masking across those runs.

Runlog Object

Runlog objects have the following fields:

Field Type Description
run integer ID of the Run this Runlog was generated for.
worker_id string ID of the masking worker that generated this Runlog.
timestamp string Timestamp of this Runlog's generation, in ISO format.
message string The log message passed from the masking worker.
args string Arguments passed to the Run task.
run_status string Indicates the Run status. The potential values are: queued, running, finished, failed, cancelling, and cancelled. A status of finished indicates the Run completed successfully; failed indicates an error.
is_dry_run boolean Indicates whether the Run is a dry run.

GET /runs/{id}/log/

List all logs for a specified Run.

GET /runs/{id}/log/ Parameters

Field Type Description
id integer The id of the Run.

GET /runs/{id}/log/ Sample Request

GET /api/runs/123/log/
Authorization: Token <your-api-token>
Content-Type: application/json

GET /runs/{id}/log/ Responses

Code: 200


A JSON serialised list of Runlog objects.

Connection Object

Database Connection objects have the following fields:

Field Type Description
version string The connection version. This should be set to `1.0'.
id integer The id of the Connection. Use this in API URLs that need a connection id.
name string The name of the Connection.
user string The name of the user in the database connection.
db_type string The type of database the connection is connecting to.
database string The database the connection is connecting to.
host string The hostname of the database connection.
port integer The database port being connected through.
password string The password for the user connecting to the database.
schema string The schema of the database to connect to. (Optional)
options object An Option object of configuration for the Run
service_name string The service name for the connection. Only used for Oracle. (Optional)
connection_fileset string The connection fileset attached to this connection. Currently only used for MySQL. (Optional)
mask_type string The type of masking the connection can perform, only database or file are valid. (Optional) Should be set to database for database Connections.
last_discovery_run_date string The created_time of the last run on this connection including a run_schema_discovery task, or null if no such run has been performed.
last_discovery_run_id string The ID of the last run on this connection including a run_schema_discovery task, or null if no such run has been performed.

File Connection objects have the following fields:

Field Type Description
version string The connection version. This should be set to `1.0'.
id integer The id of the Connection. Use this in API URLs that need a connection id.
name string The name of the Connection.
type string The type of file system the connection is connecting to. Valid options are "s3_connection" or "azure_blob_connection".
base_directory string The root file path where files intended to be masked are stored.
bucket string The name of the S3 bucket containing the base_directory. Only for S3 Connections.
container string The name of the Azure Blob Storage container containing the base_directory. Only for Azure Blob Connections.
connection_string string The connection string configured with the authorization information to access data in your Azure Storage account. Only for Azure Blob Connections.
mask_type string The type of masking the connection can perform, only database or file are valid. (Optional) Should be set to file for file Connections.
is_file_mask_source boolean A boolean if the connection is a source Connection for file masking. (Optional) Defaults to false if not provided.
is_file_mask_destination boolean A boolean if the connection is a destination Connection for file masking. (Optional) Defaults to false if not provided.

GET /connections/

Get a list of all DataMasque connections.

Optionally, you can add an {id} to the end of the request to only return the details of the connection with that specific id.

GET /connections/ Parameters

Can optionally follow the URL with the id of a specific connection to only return information on that connection.

GET /connections/ Sample Request

GET /connections/
Authorization: Token <your-api-token>
Accept: application/json

GET /connections/ Responses

Code: 200


A JSON serialised Connection object.

POST /connections/

Create a new connection object.

POST /connections/ Parameters

For database connections please refer to the following table for fields to create a connection object.

Field Type Description
version string The connection version. This should be set to `1.0'.
name string The name of the Connection.
user string The name of the user in the database connection.
db_type string The type of database the connection is connecting to.
database string The database the connection is connecting to.
host string The hostname of the database connection.
port integer The database port being connected through.
password string The password for the user connecting to the database.
schema string The schema of the database to connect to. (Optional)
service_name string The service name for the connection. Only used for Oracle. (Optional)
connection_fileset string The connection fileset attached to this connection. Currently only used for MySQL. (Optional)
mask_type string The type of masking the connection can perform, only database or file are valid. (Optional) Should be set to database for database connections.

For file connections please refer to the following table for fields needed to create a connection object.

Field Type Description
version string The connection version. This should be set to `1.0'.
name string The name of the Connection.
type string The type of file system the connection is connecting to. Valid options are "s3_connection" or "azure_blob_connection".
base_directory string The root file path where files intended to be masked are stored.
bucket string The name of the S3 bucket containing the base_directory. Only for S3 Connections.
container string The name of the Azure Blob Storage container containing the base_directory. Only for Azure Blob Connections.
connection_string string The connection string configured with the authorization information to access data in your Azure Storage account. Only for Azure Blob Connections.
mask_type string The type of masking the connection can perform, only database or file are valid. (Optional) Should be set to file for file connections.
is_file_mask_source boolean A boolean if the connection is a source Connection for file masking. (Optional) Defaults to false if not provided.
is_file_mask_destination boolean A boolean if the connection is a destination Connection for file masking. (Optional) Defaults to false if not provided.

POST /connections/ Sample Request (Database)

POST /api/connections/
Authorization: Token <your-api-token>
Content-Type: application/json

  'version': '1.0',
  'name': 'connection_name',
  'user': 'connection_user',
  'db_type': 'oracle',
  'database': 'database',
  'host': 'host',
  'port': 1433,
  'password': 'password',
  'schema': '',        #optional
  'service_name': '',  #optional
  'connection_fileset': '', #optional
  'mask_type':'database', #optional
  'is_file_mask_source': False, #optional
  'is_file_mask_destination': False #optional

POST /connections/ Sample Request (File)

POST /api/connections/
Authorization: Token <your-api-token>
Content-Type: application/json

  'version': '1.0',
  'name': 'connection_name',
  'type': 's3_connection',
  'base_directory': '',
  'bucket': 'my_S3_bucket_name',
  'mask_type': 'file',
  'is_file_mask_source': True,
  'is_file_mask_destination': False

POST /connections/ Responses

Code: 200


A JSON serialised Connection object.

PUT /connections/{id}/

Update a connection with a specified id with new values.

PUT /connections/{id}/ Parameters (Database)

Field Type Description
version string The connection version. This should be set to `1.0'.
name string The name of the Connection.
user string The name of the user in the database connection.
db_type string The type of database the connection is connecting to.
database string The database the connection is connecting to.
host string The hostname of the database connection.
port integer The database port being connected through.
password string The password for the user connecting to the database.
schema string The schema of the database to connect to. (Optional)
service_name string The service name for the connection. Only used for Oracle. (Optional)
connection_fileset string The connection fileset attached to this connection. Currently only used for MySQL. (Optional)
mask_type string The type of masking the connection can perform, only database or file are valid. (Optional) Defaults to database if not provided.

PUT /connections/{id}/ Parameters (File)

Field Type Description
version string The connection version. This should be set to `1.0'.
name string The name of the Connection.
type string The type of file system the connection is connecting to. Valid options are "s3_connection" or "azure_blob_connection".
base_directory string The root file path where files intended to be masked are stored.
bucket string The name of the S3 bucket containing the base_directory. Only for S3 Connections.
container string The name of the Azure Blob Storage container containing the base_directory. Only for Azure Blob Connections.
connection_string string The connection string configured with the authorization information to access data in your Azure Storage account. Only for Azure Blob Connections.
mask_type string The type of masking the connection can perform, only database or file are valid. (Optional) Defaults to database if not provided.
is_file_mask_source boolean A boolean if the connection is a source Connection for file masking. (Optional) Defaults to false if not provided.
is_file_mask_destination boolean A boolean if the connection is a destination Connection for file masking. (Optional) Defaults to false if not provided.

PUT /connections/{id}/ Sample Request

PUT /api/connections/{connection_id}/
Authorization: Token <your-api-token>
Content-Type: application/json

  'name': 'connection_name',
  'user': 'new_connection_user',
  'db_type': 'oracle',
  'database': 'new_database',
  'host': 'host',
  'port': 1433,
  'password': 'new_password',
  'schema': '',        #optional
  'service_name': '',  #optional
  'connection_fileset': '' #optional
  'version': '1.0'

PUT /connections/{id}/ Responses

Code: 200


A JSON serialised Connection object with the new updated values.

DELETE /connections/{id}/

Deletes the connection with the specified id.

DELETE /connections/{id}/ Parameters


DELETE /connections/{id}/ Sample Request

DELETE /connections/{id}/
Authorization: Token <your-api-token>
Accept: application/json

DELETE /connections/{id}/ Responses

Code: 204

POST /connections/test

Test a connection to validate that it is able to successfully connect to the target database.

POST /connections/test Parameters

Field Type Description
version string The connection version. This should be set to 1.0.
name string The name of the Connection.
user string The name of the user in the database connection.
db_type string The type of database the connection is connecting to.
database string The database the connection is connecting to.
host string The hostname of the database connection.
port integer The database port being connected through.
password string The password for the user connecting to the database.
schema string The schema of the database to connect to. (Optional)
service_name string The service name for the connection. Only used for Oracle. (Optional)
connection_fileset string The connection fileset attached to this connection. Currently only used for MySQL. (Optional)

POST /connections/test Sample Request

POST /api/connections/test
Authorization: Token <your-api-token>
Content-Type: application/json

  'name': 'connection_name',
  'user': 'connection_user',
  'db_type': 'oracle',
  'database': 'database',
  'host': 'host',
  'port': 1433,
  'password': 'password',
  'schema': '',        #optional
  'service_name': '',  #optional
  'connection_fileset': '', #optional
  'version': '1.0'

POST /connections/test Responses

Code: 204

Connection Fileset Object

Connection Fileset objects have the following fields:

Field Type Description
id integer The id of the Connection Fileset. Use this in API URLs that need a connection_fileset id.
name string The name of the Connection Fileset.
database_type string The type of database the Connection Fileset is associated with (currently only MySQL is supported).
zip_archive string The location of the zip archive.

GET /connection-filesets/

Returns a list of Connection Filesets. These may be used to encrypt MySQL connections.

GET /connection-filesets/ Parameters


GET /connection-filesets/ Sample Request

GET /connection-filesets/
Authorization: Token <your-api-token>
Accept: application/json

GET /connection-filesets/ Responses

Code: 201


A list of JSON serialised Connection Filesets.

POST /connection-filesets/

Create a new Connection Fileset.

POST /connection-filesets/ Parameters

Field Type Description
name string The name of the Connection Fileset.
database_type string The type of database the Connection Fileset is associated with (currently only MySQL is supported).
zip_archive string The location of the zip archive.

POST /connection-filesets/ Sample Request

POST /connection-filesets/
Authorization: Token <your-api-token>
Accept: application/json

  'name': 'connection_fileset_name',
  'database_type': 'database_type',
  'zip_archive': 'zip_archive'

POST /connection-filesets/ Responses

Code: 201


A JSON serialised object of the Connection Fileset that was created.

PUT /connection-filesets/{id}/

Update a Connection Fileset.

PUT /connection-filesets/{id}/ Parameters

Field Type Description
name string The name of the Connection Fileset.
database_type string The type of database the Connection Fileset is associated with (currently only MySQL is supported).
zip_archive string The location of the zip archive.

PUT /connection-filesets/{id}/ Sample Request

PUT /connection-filesets/
Authorization: Token <your-api-token>
Accept: application/json


PUT /connection-filesets/{id}/ Responses

Code: 201


The updated JSON serialised object of the Connection Fileset.

DELETE /connection-filesets/{id}/

Deletes the Connection Fileset with the specified id. You may not delete a Connection Fileset associated to an existing connection.

DELETE /connection-filesets/{id}/ Parameters


DELETE /connection-filesets/{id}/ Sample Request

DELETE /connection-filesets/{id}/
Authorization: Token <your-api-token>
Accept: application/json

DELETE /connection-filesets/{id}/ Responses

Code: 204

Ruleset Object

Ruleset objects have the following fields:

Field Type Description
id integer The id of the Ruleset. Use this in API URLs that need a ruleset id.
name string The name of the Ruleset.
config_yaml string The contents of the Ruleset, including of all the masking rules.
is_valid boolean Whether or not the Ruleset is valid, and can be used for masking runs.
mask_type string The masking type of the Ruleset. This can be "database" or "file".

GET /rulesets/

Returns a list of all rulesets.

Optionally, you can add an {id} to the end of the request to only return the details of the ruleset with that specific id.

GET /rulesets/ Parameters


GET /rulesets/ Sample Request

GET /rulesets/
Authorization: Token <your-api-token>
Accept: application/json

GET /rulesets/ Responses

Code: 200


A JSON serialised list of Ruleset objects.

POST /rulesets/

Creates a new ruleset.

POST /rulesets/ Parameters

Field Type Description
name string The name of the Ruleset.
config_yaml string The YAML contents of the Ruleset.
mask_type string The masking type of the Ruleset. (Optional) Valid options are "database" or "file".

POST /rulesets/ Sample Request

POST /api/rulesets/
Authorization: Token <your-api-token>
Content-Type: application/json

    "name": "sdd_run",
      "version: '1.0'
        - type: run_data_discovery",
    "mask_type": "database" #optional

POST /rulesets/ Responses

Code: 201


A JSON serialised Ruleset Object.

PUT /rulesets/{id}/

Update an existing ruleset.

PUT /rulesets/{id}/ Parameters

Field Type Description
name string The name of the Ruleset.
config_yaml string The YAML contents of the Ruleset.
mask_type string The masking type of the Ruleset. (Optional) Valid options are "database" or "file".

PUT /rulesets/{id}/ Sample Request

PUT /api/rulesets/{id}/
Authorization: Token <your-api-token>
Content-Type: application/json

    "name": "new_name",
      version: "1.0"
        - type: run_data_discovery

PUT /rulesets/{id}/ Responses

Code: 204


A JSON serialised Ruleset object with the updated values.

DELETE /rulesets/{id}/

Deletes the ruleset with the specified id.

DELETE /rulesets/{id}/ Parameters


DELETE /rulesets/{id}/ Sample Request

DELETE /rulesets/{id}/
Authorization: Token <your-api-token>
Accept: application/json

DELETE /rulesets/{id}/ Responses

Code: 200

Seed Object

Field Type Description
id integer The id of the Seed.
name string The name of the Seed.
seed_file string The location of the Seed.
created date datetime The date that the Seed was uploaded.
filename string The file name of the uploaded Seed.

GET /seeds/

Get a list of all DataMasque seed files.

Optionally, you can add an {id} to the end of the request to only return the details of the seed with that specific id.

GET /seeds/ Parameters


GET /seeds/ Sample Request

GET /seeds/
Authorization: Token <your-api-token>
Accept: application/json

GET /seeds/ Responses

Code: 200


A JSON serialised list of Seed objects.

POST /seeds/

Create a new seed from a csv file.

POST /seeds/ Parameters

Field Type Description
name string The name of the csv file.
description string A description of the seed file to displayed on the files menu.
file object A JSON object containing a file name, as well as the contents of the csv file.

POST /seeds/ Sample Request

POST /seeds/
Authorization: Token <your-api-token>
Accept: application/json
files={('seed_file', (csv_contents))}

{'name': 'csv_name', 'description': 'foo'}

POST /seeds/ Responses

Code: 201


A JSON serialised Seed object.

Audit Log Object

GET /audit-logs/

Retrieve all Audit Logs.

GET /audit-logs/ Parameters


GET /audit-logs/ Sample Request

GET /audit-logs/

GET /audit-logs/ Response

Code 200


A list of JSON objects containing audit logs, which contain the following fields.

Field Type Description
id integer The id of the audit log.
timestamp datetime The timestamp of when the audit log was created.
username string The username which created the audit log.
category string The category for the audit log, one of the following: auth, run, ruleset, or connection
action string The action taken. One of the following: logged_in logged_out, for auth actions, started, cancelled, for masking run actions, created, modified, deleted for connection or ruleset actions.
description string A short description of what happened during the action.

GET /audit-logs/download/

Retrieve all Audit Logs.

GET /audit-logs/download/ Parameters


GET /audit-logs/download/ Sample Request

GET /audit-logs/download/

GET /audit-logs/download/ Response

Code 200


The server will return the audit logs in the response.content which can be then downloaded as a CSV file. The CSV file will contain the following headers:

Field Type Description
timestamp datetime The timestamp of when the audit log was created.
username string The username which created the audit log.
category string The category for the audit log, one of the following: auth, run, ruleset, or connection
action string The action taken. One of the following: logged_in logged_out, for auth actions, started, cancelled, for masking run actions, created, modified, deleted for connection or ruleset actions.
description string A short description of what happened during the action.

POST /generate-ruleset

Returns a ruleset string for selected columns of a connection.

Prerequisite: Make sure you have the schema-discovery report for the connection sepecified in the post data.

POST /generate-ruleset Sample Request

POST /api/generate-ruleset/
Authorization: Token <your-api-token>
Content-Type: application/json

  "connection": "2ebd7895-dd73-4609-8cd7-fd6bcfcb2f43",
  "selected_columns": {
    "schema_name": {
      "table_name": [

Generate Ruleset Result Object

Generate Ruleset Result objects have the following fields:

Field Type Description
id integer The id of the Generate Ruleset Result.
connection_id string The ID of the connection we have generated ruleset on.
generated_ruleset string The ruleset that have been generated.
status string The status of the generating ruleset progress.
error_message string The error message when generating ruleset failed.

GET /async-generate-ruleset/{connection_id}/

Returns result of generating ruleset progress.

GET /async-generate-ruleset/{connection_id}/ Parameters

Field Type Description
connection_id string The id of the Connection.

GET /async-generate-ruleset/{connection_id}/ Responses

Code: 200

Description: A JSON serialised Generate Ruleset Result Object.

POST /async-generate-ruleset/{connection_id}/

Start generating ruleset for selected columns of a connection.

POST /async-generate-ruleset/{connection_id}/ Parameters

Field Type Description
connection_id string The id of the Connection.

POST /async-generate-ruleset/{connection_id}/ Sample Request

POST /api/async-generate-ruleset/{connection_id}/
Authorization: Token <your-api-token>
Content-Type: application/json

  "selected_columns": {
    "schema_name": {
      "table_name": [

GET /oracle-wallets/

Returns a list of Oracle wallets. These are used to connect to encrypted Oracle connections.

GET /oracle-wallets/ Parameters


GET /oracle-wallets/ Sample Request

GET /oracle-wallets/
Authorization: Token <your-api-token>
Accept: application/json

GET /oracle-wallets/ Responses

Code: 201


A JSON serialised list of Oracle wallets.

POST /oracle-wallets/

Create a new Oracle wallet.

POST /oracle-wallets/ Parameters


POST /oracle-wallets/ Sample Request

POST /oracle-wallets/
Authorization: Token <your-api-token>
Accept: application/json

POST /oracle-wallets/ Responses

Code: 201


A JSON serialised Oracle wallet object of the wallet created.

DELETE /oracle-wallets/{id}/

Deletes the Oracle wallet with the specified id.

DELETE /oracle-wallets/{id}/ Parameters


DELETE /oracle-wallets/{id}/ Sample Request

DELETE /oracle-wallets/{id}/
Authorization: Token <your-api-token>
Accept: application/json

DELETE /oracle-wallets/{id}/ Responses

Code: 204

POST /users/admin-install/

Verify the DataMasque installation, and set up an admin account.

POST /users/admin-install/ Parameters

Field Type Description
email string The email of the user you are logging in as.
username string The username of the user you are logging in as.
password string The password for the user.
re_password string The password for the user again, to confirm the password entered above.
allowed_hosts list['string'] A list of hostnames that will be allowed to access DataMasque upon installation.
aws_ec2_instance_id string The instance id of the AWS EC2. Applies only to Marketplace installations.

POST /users/admin-install/ Sample Request

POST /api/users/admin-install/
Authorization: Token <your-api-token>
Accept: application/json

  'email': '',
  'password': 'admin_password',
  're_password': 'admin_password',
  'allowed_hosts': ['masque.local',], #add the ip to your instance, needed to make sure host is reachable
  'aws_ec2_instance_id': 'i-##############'

POST /users/admin-install/ Responses

Code: 201


A JSON serialised User object.

GET /app/check/

Checks to verify if DataMasque has successfully been installed.

GET /app/check/ Parameters


GET /app/check/ Sample Request

GET /app/check/

GET /app/check/ Response

Code 200


A JSON object showing the state of the current installation with the following data.

Field Type Description
is_aws_marketplace boolean Whether the current installation has been installed from the AWS marketplace.
installed boolean If the current installation has been successfully installed.
is_smtp_configured boolean If SMTP has been configured on the DataMasque instance.
is_saml_sso_configured boolean Is SSO has been enabled on the DataMasque instance.

POST /license-upload/

Uploads a licence file to DataMasque.

POST /license-upload/ Parameters


POST /license-upload/ Sample Request

POST /license-upload/
files={('license_file', (licence_content))}
Authorization: Token <your-api-token>
Accept: application/json

POST /license-upload/ Responses

Code: 200

GET /health-check/

Get the basic health-check status of DataMasque.

GET /health-check/ Parameters


GET /health-check/ Sample Request

GET /api/health-check/
Authorization: Token <your-api-token>
Content-Type: application/json

GET /health-check/ Responses

Code: 200


Various health statistics about the DataMasque instance:

Field Type Description
worker_running boolean true if the masking agent worker processes are healthy, false if there are no available workers.
license_expired boolean true if the licence is expired, false if the licence is not expired.
license_renewal_in_days integer Remaining days until licence expiry.
license_limit_breach object An object describing any licence breaches that have occurred. Each property on the object is the type of breach that has occurred. Each property value is an object containing breach_type, message, and created_date properties.

Code: 500


When there is a server error like licence file is invalid, it would return 500 status code with known error in it.