DataMasque Portal

Docker Installation

This page guides you through installing Docker, docker-compose, and DataMasque on a supported Ubuntu or Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) system.

Refer to Linux Server Installation for system and OS version requirements.

Docker Setup for Ubuntu

To install Docker on Ubuntu machines, follow the Ubuntu installation instructions.

Note: Do not install the docker-compose-plugin. The standalone version of docker-compose is required.

On Ubuntu, the docker service will automatically start after installation and on subsequent reboots.

You should ensure the user account that will be performing the DataMasque installation and administrative actions is added to the dockergroup. If you do not complete this step, all docker and docker-composecommands will require elevation to root privileges via sudo.

Install docker-compose

DataMasque requires the standalone docker-compose command, not the docker compose that is integrated into Docker.

Follow these instructions to install the docker-compose standalone package.

  1. Download docker-compose using curl, and make it executable with chmod +x.
$ sudo curl -SL -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose

$ sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose

Docker setup for RHEL

To install Docker on RHEL machines, follow the CentOS installation instructions.

  • Docker should be installed from packages, not a convenience script.
  • You should ensure the user account that will be performing the DataMasque installation and administrative actions is added to the dockergroup. If you do not complete this step, all docker and docker-composecommands will require elevation to root privileges via sudo.

Note: Do not install the docker-compose-plugin. The standalone version of docker-compose is required.

Once Docker is installed, you need to start the docker service manually using the appropriate systemctl command:

sudo systemctl start docker

Alternatively, refer to Configure Docker to start on boot to configure the docker service to start up on boot.

You should ensure the user account that will be performing the DataMasque installation and administrative actions is added to the dockergroup. If you do not complete this step, all docker and docker-composecommands will require elevation to root privileges via sudo.

Install docker-compose

DataMasque requires the standalone docker-compose command, not the docker compose that is integrated into Docker.

Follow these instructions to install the docker-compose standalone package.

  1. Download docker-compose using curl, and make it executable with chmod +x.
$ sudo curl -SL -o /usr/bin/docker-compose

$ sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/docker-compose
  1. Test that docker-compose is installed correctly by printing out its version with the docker-compose --version command:
$ docker-compose --version
docker-compose version 1.29.2, build 5becea4c

Install DataMasque

Extract the provided DataMasque Docker Compose package on the server, and run the included installation script:

tar -xvzf datamasque-docker-v<version>.pkg
cd datamasque/<version>/
sudo ./

During installation, a new datamasque user and group will be created and assigned ownership of the DataMasque configuration files under /usr/local/etc/datamasque/. You can manually select the uid and gid for the datamasque user and group by providing --uid and --gid options to

sudo ./ --uid 1010 --gid 1010

Once the installation script has run, you can confirm the DataMasque Docker containers are running with the following command:

docker ps --format "table {{.ID}}\t{{.Status}}\t{{.Names}}"

If installation was successful, you should see five DataMasque containers listed:

CONTAINER ID        STATUS              NAMES
60114d0c370d        Up 3 minutes        datamasque_admin-frontend_1
da8bacfbbe48        Up 3 minutes        datamasque_admin-server_1
c9555bf98017        Up 3 minutes        datamasque_agent-worker_1
d46296fd5b3b        Up 3 minutes        datamasque_agent-queue_1
1d5516575e1c        Up 3 minutes        datamasque_admin-db_1

You can now access your DataMasque instance from a client web browser at https://<instance-ip-or-hostname>. Follow the Initial Setup guide to complete the installation of DataMasque.

Note: The first time you visit DataMasque, your browser will display a security warning because the self-signed certificate generated by DataMasque will be untrusted by your browser. You may proceed past this warning for now, and install your own trusted certificate after installation is complete (refer to Installing SSL Credentials). If you are unable to proceed past the warning due to HSTS being enabled for your domain, refer to Installation with HSTS enabled.