DataMasque Portal

Supplementary Files


You may upload supplementary SQL or Seed files to DataMasque which will be available for use by certain tasks and masks in Masking Rulesets.

Seed files provide mock datasets for use in masking and must be provided in a tabular CSV format (including a header row) encoded as UTF-8. Seed files are consumed by the following mask types:

Sample seed files are provided for download in the Built-in seed files or Built-in blob files section.

SQL files provide scripts that DataMasque can execute during a masking run. SQL files are consumed by the following mask types:

To access the supplementary file list, choose the Files item from the main menu.

Files list

Add a file

To add a file, click the  Add button  button on the Files page.

A popup modal form will appear for you to fill in the following fields:

  • File description (optional)
  • File input, where the uploaded file can be any file type.

Once you have filled in the above fields, click the Submit button.

Add file

Download and view file

To download an existing file, hover over the file in the files list and click the  Download button  button.

Download file

Delete file

To delete a file, hover over the file in the files list and click the  Delete button  button. You will be prompted for confirmation.

Delete file

Connection Files

Some databases (Oracle and MySQL) require additional files to support encrypted connections.

Upload Oracle wallets

To enable encrypted Oracle connections, you may upload one or more Oracle wallets. To upload your wallet, click the UPLOAD ORACLE WALLET button below the Files list:

Upload Oracle wallet

Select your Oracle wallet (packaged as a .zip file) for upload. Each Oracle wallet .zip must have a unique filename.

To use an uploaded wallet to connect to a specific database, select it in the Add/Edit Connection interface.

Deleting and updating Oracle wallets

Oracle wallets cannot be deleted while they are referenced by a connection. To update the Oracle wallet used by one or more connections, the following process is recommended:

  1. Upload the new wallet (with a new/unique name)
  2. Update each connection to use this new wallet
  3. Delete the old wallet

Upload MySQL and MariaDB SSL Certificates

To enable encryption on MySQL or MariaDB connections, you may upload SSL certificates. To upload your certificate, click the UPLOAD SSL ZIP button from below the Files list:

Upload SSL ZIP

Select your Connection Fileset, which must be packaged as a zip file, for upload. Each set of certificate files must have a unique filename. For more information on what this certificate must contain, see the Encrypted Connections section for MySQL/MariaDB.

To use an uploaded SSL Certificate to connect to a specific database, select it under the Advanced Settings pane in the Add/Edit Connection interface.

Built-in data files

Built-in seed files

The following example seed datasets are included with DataMasque, for use with the from_file mask.

Click each link in the table below to download:

File Name Description Column Headers
DataMasque_AU_addresses.csv 31978 randomly generated AU addresses with state and postcode. address, city, state_long, state_short, postcode
DataMasque_AU_addresses_real.csv 40,000 randomly picked real Australian addresses. secondary_address_number, secondary_address_type, street_number, street_name, street_name_short, street_suffix, suburb, city, county (blank for AU), state_long, state_short, postcode, longitude, latitude
DataMasque_AU_companies.csv 2,016 names of companies registered in Australia. company_name
DataMasque_companies.csv 1,944 names of companies from around the world (though mostly from Australia, New Zealand, and the U.S.) company_name
DataMasque_BR_addresses_real.csv 50,000 randomly picked real Brazilian addresses from all states. secondary_address_number, secondary_address_type, street_number, street_name, street_name_short, street_suffix, suburb (blank for US), city, county, state_long, state_short, postcode, longitude, latitude
DataMasque_BR_addresses.csv 48,000 randomly generated Brazilian addresses. address, city, county, state_long, state_short, postcode
DataMasque_BR_companies.csv 562 names of companies registered in Brazil.S. company_name
DataMasque_BR_firstNames_female.csv 241 randomly distributed female first names. firstname-fem
DataMasque_BR_firstNames_male.csv 242 randomly distributed male first names. firstname-male
DataMasque_BR_firstNames_mixed.csv 483 randomly distributed female and male first names. firstname-mixed
DataMasque_BR_firstNames_mixed_gendered.csv 483 randomly distributed gendered first names. firstname, gender
DataMasque_BR_fake_email_suffixes.csv 20 fictional email domains (with preceding @ symbol). email-suff
DataMasque_BR_lastNames.csv 198 randomly distributed last names. lastnames
DataMasque_BR_occupations.csv 1132 randomly distributed occupation titles. occupation
DataMasque_NZ_addresses_large.csv 30,178 randomly generated NZ addresses with region and postcode. street_name, suburb, city, region, postcode
DataMasque_NZ_addresses_large_UTF8.csv 30,178 randomly generated NZ addresses with region and postcode. Includes some non-ASCII characters. street_name, suburb, city, region, postcode
DataMasque_NZ_addresses_small.csv 219 random New Zealand addresses with suburb and postcode. street, suburb, city, postcode
DataMasque_NZ_addresses_small_UTF8.csv 219 random New Zealand addresses with suburb and postcode. Includes some non-ASCII characters. street, suburb, city, postcode
DataMasque_NZ_addresses_real.csv 25,000 randomly picked real NZ addresses from across New Zealand. secondary_address_number, secondary_address_type, street_number, street_name, street_name_short, street_suffix, suburb, city, county (blank for NZ), state_long (blank for NZ), state_short (blank for NZ), postcode, longitude, latitude
DataMasque_NZ_addresses_real_UTF8.csv 25,000 randomly picked real NZ addresses from across New Zealand. Includes some non-ASCII characters (mostly in Māori names). secondary_address_number, secondary_address_type, street_number, street_name, street_name_short, street_suffix, suburb, city, county (blank for NZ), state_long (blank for NZ), state_short (blank for NZ), postcode, longitude, latitude
DataMasque_NZ_companies.csv 236 legitimate NZ company names. company_name
DataMasque_US_addresses.csv 48,533 randomly generated US addresses with state and postcode. Based on DataMasque_US_addresses_large.csv but with columns supported by ruleset generation. address, city, county, state_long, state_short, postcode
DataMasque_US_addresses_large.csv 48,533 randomly generated US addresses with state and postcode. street_name, city, county, state_long, state_short, postcode
DataMasque_US_addresses_small.csv 5,000 randomly generated US addresses with state and postcode. street_name, city, state, zipcode
DataMasque_US_addresses_real.csv 49,000 randomly picked real US addresses from 49 different states. street_number, street_name, suburb (blank for US), city, county, state_long, state_short, postcode, longitude, latitude
DataMasque_US_addresses_real_V2.csv 47,360 randomly picked real US addresses from 49 different states (excludes New Hampshire, and Maine). secondary_address_number, secondary_address_type, street_number, street_name, street_name_short, street_suffix, suburb (blank for US), city, county, state_long, state_short, postcode, longitude, latitude
DataMasque_US_companies.csv 1,000 names of companies registered in the U.S. company_name
DataMasque_US_States.csv 50 US States and their abbreviation. state_long, state_short
DataMasque_US_counties.csv 3,235 US counties with state names, codes, abbreviations, county names and codes, types (e.g. county, city, borough), and FIPS and GNIS codes. state_code, state_name, state_abbreviation,county_code, county_name, type, county_name, county_fips_code, county_gnis_code
DataMasque_country_codes.csv 250 different country names, codes, and calling prefix. name, official_name, alpha_3, alpha_2, calling_code
DataMasque_street_types.csv 254 different street type names and their abbreviation. street_type, abbreviation
DataMasque_credit_card_numbers.csv 62 magic credit card numbers with issuer name and issuer prefix. card_number, company, prefix
DataMasque_credit_card_prefixes.csv 31 valid credit card prefixes. prefix
DataMasque_dictionary_words.csv 971 randomly distributed dictionary words. dictionary_words
DataMasque_email_suffixes.csv 101 most common email domains (with preceding @ symbol). email-suff
DataMasque_fake_email_suffixes.csv 20 fictional email domains (with preceding @ symbol). email-suff
DataMasque_firstNames_female.csv 23,919 randomly distributed female first names. firstname-fem
DataMasque_firstNames_male.csv 14,969 randomly distributed male first names. firstname-male
DataMasque_firstNames_mixed.csv 35,177 randomly distributed female and male first names. firstname-mixed
DataMasque_firstNames_mixed_v2.csv 35,160 randomly distributed female and male first names. This is an updated version of 'DataMasque_firstNames_mixed.csv' where US State names were removed" firstname-mixed
DataMasque_firstNames_mixed_gendered.csv 38,888 randomly generated gendered first names. firstname, gender
DataMasque_languages.csv 100 most common languages. language
DataMasque_lastNames.csv 83,739 randomly distributed last names. lastnames
DataMasque_lastNames_v2.csv 83,732 randomly distributed last names. This is an updated version of 'DataMasque_lastNames.csv', where 7 single-character last names were removed. lastnames
DataMasque_lastNames_v3.csv 83,729 randomly distributed last names. This is an updated version of 'DataMasque_lastNames_v2.csv', where US State names were removed" lastnames
DataMasque_mixed_countries_addresses.csv 3,000 randomly generated US, AU and NZ addresses with postcode and either suburb or state. address, suburb, city, state_long, state_short, post_code, country
DataMasque_occupations.csv 96 randomly distributed occupation titles. occupation
DataMasque_occupations_UTF8.csv 96 randomly distributed occupation titles. Includes some non-ASCII characters. occupation
DataMasque_pasifika_names.csv 109 Pasifika names, including names with apostrophes. name
DataMasque_pasifika_names_UTF8.csv 109 Pasifika names, including names with special (non-ASCII) characters. name
DataMasque_short_sentences.csv 1,442 randomly selected short sentences. sentence
DataMasque_street_names_full.csv 86,121 randomly selected street names. street_name
DataMasque_street_types_all.csv 241 street types including abbreviations. street_type

Built-in blob files

The following example binary files are included with DataMasque, for use with the from_blob mask.

Click each link in the table below to download:

File Name Description
DataMasque_logo.pdf The DataMasque logo in PDF format (595px x 841px, 65,890 bytes).
DataMasque_logo.png The DataMasque logo in PNG format (1730px x 441px, 49,064 bytes).

Reference Files

The following file can be used to reference the prefixes and issuers used in the credit_card mask.

File Name Description
credit_card_prefixes.csv A list of credit card prefixes used by the credit_card mask (1.9MB)

Licenses for files with real addresses

The following seed files contain data released under a license that allows for commercial use, provided each license's conditions are met:

DataMasque_NZ_addresses_real.csv incorporates data from the NZ Addresses dataset provided by LINZ under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license (linked here).

DataMasque_AU_addresses_real.csv incorporates data from G-NAF © Geoscape Australia licensed by the Commonwealth of Australia under the Open Geo-coded National Address File (G-NAF) End User Licence Agreement.