- Licence types
- Licence breach types
- Licence expiry
- Automated notification emails
- Licence renewal and upgrade process
Licence types
This is the default licence shipped with the DataMasque application.
It restricts the ability to run any data masking task, but allows you to login and use other web application features.
Free trial
A Free Trial licence can be obtained by contacting the DataMasque sales team:
You can also request a Free Trial licence from
Free Trial licences expire after 30 days.
DataMasque can only mask up to 1000 rows per table per masking run. All other table rows will be unmasked/untouched when using this licence.
DataMasque can only mask up to 5 files per file masking run. All other files will be unmasked/untouched when using this licence.
Usage data with the same expiry date as the Free Trial licence will be cleared upon upgrading your Free Trial licence to a Standard licence.
Note: Free trial licence information is not applicable to DataMasque AWS Marketplace software products.
Standard licence
A Standard licence can be purchased by contacting the DataMasque sales team:
A Standard licence will typically have a 1-year term, however other licence terms are available on inquiry.
Standard licences are issued with a "unique masked database size quota": The total on-disk size of each unique database that is masked using DataMasque will be accumulated against the available quota of your licence.
For licences with a 1-year term, usage accumulated against the quota will be reset on the licence expiry date. For licences with a term greater than 1-year, accumulated usage will be reset after each year within the licence term, such that the behaviour of accumulating and resetting usage is identical to how it would be if purchasing multiple single-year licences. I.e. Accumulated usage is cleared and begins re-accumulating after each 1-year period within the licence term.
The Standard licence quota is measured in TB (1024^4 bytes
Note: Standard licence information is not applicable to DataMasque AWS Marketplace software products except BYOL.
Cloud Contract licence
Cloud Contract licences are specifically designed for use within the AWS ecosystem, and are currently only supported on AWS. These licences operate differently than standard licences. Instead of using a traditional license file, DataMasque checks out a contract license directly from your AWS account. This requires an active AWS contract license for DataMasque products to be present in your AWS account.
You can obtain a Cloud Contract licence by purchasing a contract-based DataMasque product through AWS.
When using a Cloud Contract licence, you must select the appropriate licence tier (Business or Enterprise) within DataMasque, corresponding to the specific contract license you have purchased from AWS. This selection ensures that DataMasque correctly utilises the entitlements associated with your AWS contract.
To use a Cloud Contract licence, ensure that you have a valid contract license in your AWS account and select the correct tier within DataMasque. DataMasque will then handle the license checkout process directly with AWS.
Note that when deployed to an EC2, all license types except for consumption-based plans may be switched to use Cloud Contract plans.
Refer to the My Account screen guide for more information.
Licence breach types
Licence quota exceeded
When your accumulated usage exceeds the quota of your licence (see Usage calculation) when starting a masking run:
- If the target database has been masked previously, and has not increased markedly in size, a licence breach will be registered, and the masking run will be started as usual. A warning will be displayed in the DataMasque interface and a notification email will be sent to the registered admin user of your DataMasque instance.
- If the target database has not been masked previously, or has increased markedly in size, the masking run will not be started.
In the event that your licence quota is exceeded, it is necessary to contact the DataMasque sales team ( to upgrade your licence quota. You will be unable to mask any new database instances.
Licence expiry
After licence expiry, you will no longer be able to run any data masking tasks. You can however continue to login and use the rest of the DataMasque web interface as normal.
Automated notification emails
The following email notifications will be sent using the configured SMTP settings as reminders.
- Licence breach reminder notification and Expiry reminder notification are automatically scheduled to be sent on the 1st day of applicable months.
- Summary of licence usage is automatically scheduled to be sent weekly for the first month from the start date of the licence then monthly.
Notification on licence limit breach
Licence limit breaches will trigger email notifications to the email address of the DataMasque admin user. Once a breach notification email has been sent, subsequent breaches within the following 30 days will not trigger additional notification emails.
Licence breach reminder notification
A single email is sent monthly to the admin user containing a summary of the licence breaches that happened during the last calendar month. If no breach occurred during the last month, this email will not be sent.
Expiry reminder notification
During the last 3 months of the licence subscription period, a monthly email notification will be sent to the admin user with a reminder that the DataMasque licence will expire soon.
Summary of licence usage
A single email is sent every 3 months to the containing a summary of the licence usage report. This email is also bcc'd to the admin user.
Note: the admin user is bcc'd in Licence breach reminder notification and Expiry reminder notification emails.
Licence renewal and upgrade process
Contact the DataMasque sales team: for licence renewal or upgrade.
The collected usage data may be requested during the licence renewal and upgrade process. Instructions for downloading and sending usage data are available in the My Account page documentation.
The usage data will be validated by DataMasque team before a new licence is issued.